Enjoying summer by continuing to practice social distancing, wearing your mask in public, washing your hands regularly, and staying away from people who are vulnerable? I certainly am. I just ordered a mask with sparkles on it - so excited! It’s a great time to support your local restaurants and small businesses (like buying a sparkly mask from a young entrepreneur) to the best of your ability. Its amazing how creative some restaurants have become with their outdoor dining spaces. Barbershops have gotten pretty crafty by moving their barber chairs to the sidewalks/parking lots. Who would’ve thought one could get a haircut and a shave outdoors on a city sidewalk in the US? I love people’s creativity, adaptability, and fearlessness in unusual situations.
Summer is a beautiful time of year but hot in some parts of the world. Stay hydrated by drinking lots of water, eating fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, and maybe indulging in the occasional popsicle. Having fun and staying balanced during these challenging times are key for us all. Since I haven’t been traveling as much, I’ve found some simple ways to honor the season like laughing with friends/family, a picnic, sharing gratitude, a walk, a quick weekend away to celebrate a dear friend’s wedding, a little yoga, a refreshing glass of Green Tea, a meditation, listen to a Bee Gees song, a swim, a frozen Tart yogurt w/fresh berries, a funny movie, sharing a fabulous Beyond Burger (vegetarian) with my boyfriend, some tennis, and watching the beautiful sunrise. Would love to hear how you are staying balanced and enjoying your summer at We are all in this together! Be safe and have some fun!